Type: 8-Mora VCV
Language: Japanese (American L's included for easier English)
Best Range: C4-A3
Best Resampler: Moresampler
Optimal Genres: Anything but harsh sounding songs.
Optimal Flags: BRE0Y0H0C99c99Mt-120F1L1
Vocal sound: Moody and soft, nearly a whisper. Akin to most "Dark" banks.
Known issues: Some notes may sound off. The bank is fully otoed and I plan on reworking some strings. She is fully functional otherwise.
"The Beast" taken from half-a-head's Vocaloid Bossa Nova Medley.

Type: 8-Mora VCV
Language: Japanese (American L's included for easier English)
Best Range: C4-F4
Best Resampler: Moresampler
Optimal Genres: Anything but harsh sounding songs.
Optimal Flags: BRE0Y0H0C99c99Mt-120F1L1
Vocal sound: Soft and feminine. Good for ballads and quiet songs. Has a calm, gentle tone.
Known issues: None that I can think of.
"Wanderlast" taken from half-a-head's Vocaloid Bossa Nova Medley.
Type: 8-Mora VCV
Language: Japanese (American L's included for easier English)
Best Range: Unknown
Best Resampler: Moresampler
Optimal Genres: Anything but harsh sounding songs.
Optimal Flags: BRE0Y0H0C99c99Mt-120F1L1
Vocal sound: A loud, vibrant sounding bank good for upbeat pop songs.
Known issues: The breaths are harsh. Do not use them in certain songs.
"Darling Dance" taken from ksm's UST.

Type: 8-Mora VCV
Language: Japanese with English extras, trills, breaths, and some VCCV English lines. Many expressions.
Best Range: Unknown
Best Resamplers: Unknown
Optimal Flags: Unknown
Vocal sound: Varies depending on which expression is selected.
Known Issues: Unknown
Sample: Coming Soon